Song in my Head: The wonderful thing about Tigger, is Tigger's a wonderful thing......Tbogg
In Season: green tomatoes, red peppers
Arnold's Ego
Two positives for every negative. I always liked that philosophy. So before I cut Arnie a new asshole, I must say that on a positive note he is into exercise, which is a very good thing. He also married a democrat, and has four children, which, presumably, is a good thing.
However, some of his values seem a bit skewed to me. I am making these judgements from a distance and we have never met, yet, I still can't fathom his appeal to voters in California, err to anyone.
If there ever was a narcissistic sport, bodybuilding has to take the cake. What gets me is that muscles with popping arteries doesn't attract me at all. And these guys heads look so small, exception being Arnie. Man his head is so full of himself it oozes from his Austrian pores. He obviously thinks he is God's gift to women. And since he is so manly looking that gives him the right to disrespect women by grabbing their tits. Being short in stature I am sure I would be intimidated if a muscular guy did that to me. The sad part is that he has 2 daughters. I know a lot of dads that would consider taking the shotgun out if anyone did that to their daughter.
Sexual harrassment pretty much sums up his actions in my view. Why would we want a public servant that offends women to fill his ego? I think he has made it a point that he is a very sexual person. I have no problem with that. But, when a man does that repeatedly, that is pure harassment, which is illegal. Remember Bob Packwood?
And the guys not that eco- friendly. Come on, northern California is progressive and there are many eco-friendly cities. Arnie's love for status symbols, like owning Hummers, does nothing for his environmental record. Furthermore, he obviously has no conscience regarding zero population growth. He has shown little restraint in populating a crowded world. I say anyone with more than 2 kids is nuts. One for each hand works for me.
Jack Smith Brief Released (Mostly in Full, Names Redacted)!
Link to PDF Not all that redacted, except for names. So far, it seems like
the whole story could be there, minus names. h/t everyone i the previous
5 months ago
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