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Corvallis, OR, United States
My personal obsession with prion diseases with smidges of music I like and rescue dog advocacy from a disabled Oregonian.


Song in my head: Tangled up in boobs..........................Slate


My Medicare coverage begins in July. I have a few annual tests that are medically necessary for for treating my Nail-Patella Syndrome. I get a blood analysis to make sure my kidneys aren't spilling protein and are functioning correctly. A bone density test is needed to monitor my brittle bone disease. The Pap smear and mammogram are routine. But, I still need to get my glaucoma checked by a visual field test and my eye pressures checked. Besides the routine care I get, there are the annoyances that are popping up that are being neglected while I wait for my Medicare coverage to begin. My right shoulder is popping and grinding bad and when I raise it. I can feel nerve compression and numbing in my hand, migraines attack bimonthly warning me of changing hormonal levels, my jaw (TMJ) is dislocating and preventing me from eating crunchy foods, and aggravates the right side of the back of my head. Last year, when I had medical care coverage, I got a shot of steroids in the back of my head to relieve inflammation, that was giving me headaches. It didn't work and atrophied the thin layer of muscle over my skull. Now, it's all bumpy and painful. No more shots in the head for me. I guess the good news will be lower prescription drug costs via the new Medicare Bill.

Here are a few articles explaining the difficulties interpreting the new Medicare rules.

Cheaper medicine is in the cards

Medicare participants can buy discount prescription drug cards starting next month, but choosing the right one requires some research.

Seven of 10 senior citizens in a February survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation said they weren't aware that Congress had passed a prescription drug bill in December. The survey found only 15 percent of seniors who say they actually understand the new law. |link|

Medicare Web Site to Shine Light on Drug Prices

Gail E. Shearer, a health policy expert at Consumers Union, said that "there is already a high degree of confusion and anxiety among seniors and the disabled about how to choose a drug discount card," and that the information on the Web site could compound that confusion.


And speaking of Medicare payouts.....

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is well connected to a hospital chain

OK, so its not really news, but Senate Majority leader Bill Frist has played the gallant heart surgeon for a very long time, and has had clear sailing for many years despite the fact that HCA (or as it was known Columbia/HCA) has both had a disreputable past, and continues to make money off Medicare. Given his role in health care in the Senate the fact that his father founded the company, his brother is Chairman and he owns millions of $$ of its stock, seems to have gone completely unnoticed.

Read the rest at The Health Care Blog.

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