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Corvallis, OR, United States
My personal obsession with prion diseases with smidges of music I like and rescue dog advocacy from a disabled Oregonian.


Song in my head: Where does the time go?...........Grateful Dead


Vioxx, a drug prescribed by my doctor for osteo-arthritis, increases the risk of heart attacks....<LINK> I took it for a while. Another reason why I prefer medical marijuana to drugs approved and sent to market by the FDA. My mom took a medication when she was pregnant with me, in 1961. She told me, when I was a young adult, that when she took the drug, during my gestation, it gave her convulsions. So, she quit taking it. I have never been able to get her medical records but in the 60's they gave pregnant women thalidomyde and DES. Funny how I would be born with a rare genetic disorder which developed spontaneously. No one else in my family had it.

Anyway, I have a legitimate wariness of "FDA approved drugs".

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