Song in my head: Someday...we'll be together..............Diana Ross and the Supremes
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What Day Will Karl Rove Go Down? Place a bet, here.
Phire Karl Rove
Mr. President, despite carefully worded denials, it is now apparent that your most senior advisor discussed the identity of an undercover CIA agent with a reporter. His clear aim was to discredit that agent’s husband who had dared to challenge the administration in the buildup to the war. You cannot remain silent. Fire Karl Rove.
Via Senator John Kerry, sign petition, HERE.
I’m sure you’ve heard the news. President Bush’s most trusted advisor, Karl Rove, has been named as the mysterious leak within the White House that identified former Ambassador Joe Wilson’s wife, Valerie Plame, as an undercover agent in the CIA.
VIA Congresswoman Louise Slaughter, sign petition, HERE.