Bumpersticker Sitings
~If we don't change directions we'll end up where we're going~
~The most violent element in society is ignorance~
~Killing one person is murder. Killing 1000's is foreign policy~
~It's the deficit, stupid~
Wouldn't ya know it? Just when I was doing some online window browsing for walking sticks, canes and staffs, here pops up this article about a gorilla using a walking stick.
Now, I am only 44 years young, but my knees dislocate easy. I can literally collapse to the floor when I'm standing. To boot, I have a bad case of chrondomalacia (inflamed kneecap), in my good knee, of course, and it's excrutiating to put any weight on my right knee. Between those two factors it is time for me to get another medical device.
I've used an old cross country ski pole as a cane/hiking stick before, but I must say, I get extremely self concious carrying it in public. It's a bit beat up and has a deadly point on the end. I imagine it could do some damage yet also be used as a litter picker-upper. Either way, I can't see myself walking into Safeway or a restaurant with it. Regardless, I think a cane is in my near future. Being the risk taker I am, I will take the plunge soon and be an official gimp cane-carrying member of society. A trek in downtown Hood River, sporting a new cane, is in my future. Really, the whole idea of carrying a cane seems rather inconvenient and cumbersome; I'm lucky I leave the house with my head screwed on straight, two matching earrings, clothes, purse, and car keys. (Let it be known I do not have a cell phone to worry about. I intentionally avoid them, consider them nuisance, and one less thing to carry around).
Anyway, if a gorilla can do it, so can I!
(Here's a gorilla walking stick, I shit you not)