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Corvallis, OR, United States
My personal obsession with prion diseases with smidges of music I like and rescue dog advocacy from a disabled Oregonian.


July 25, 2006

Testing for mad cow

D. W. Sid Olufs of Tacoma, Wash writes regarding, “U.S Reduces Testing for Mad Cow Disease, Citing Few Infections” (news article, July 21) to ask, how do you spell complacency?
The Agriculture Department’s decision is a mistake. We know the economic consequences of one diseased animal detected in the food supply, but we do not know its consequences on human health.
If the new lower testing rate had been in place in the last two years, would it have caused the department to miss the two infected animals that were found?
One major result of vigorous testing is better behavior by those who raise and sell beef. The new decision values industry preferences over the public’s well-being. New York Times opinion letter

July 25, 2006

Japan to OK U.S. beef import resumption

Japan is, according to this story, preparing to approve a resumption of imports of U.S. beef this week, despite a report that Japanese inspectors found problems at some U.S. meat processing plants.
Officials from Japan's agriculture and health ministries are expected to decide soon, possibly when the Food Safety Commission meets Thursday, on whether to allow U.S. beef back into Japan. Link

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