What does Labor Day mean to me?....puttting away the white loafers guys!
Seriously, Labor Day is a day off to honor America's workers. Ya know, the ones who:
get up at the crack of dawn, commute, punch a time clock, use the appropriate TSP cover sheets, put on a uniform, skip breaks to cover your bosses mistakes...or maybe have to pay more for their employer's health care coverage, have no vacation until a year's time, multitask, have to wear a hairnet, watch the owner of the company show up in a sports car sign the checks and then go golfing, perform hazardous jobs with cheap personal protective devices, perform mandatory overtime the night of your son's first baseball game, train your boss, go to teambuilding meetings, be civil to the Human Resources Director, wear catch me-fuck me shoes, smell hairspray, or not get paid ontime cause your time card had an error that wasnt initialed and fixed in black ink..................................
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