Sounds Bad
I have seen (I am not aware of all things!) 3 elected Dems comment on this.
A Palestinian protest leader at Columbia University was arrested by
Gore Vidal’s The Best Man
Starring Henry Fonda, Cliff Robertson, Edie Adams, Margaret Leighton,
Shelley Berman, Lee Tracy, Ann Sothern, and Kevin McCarthy. Screenplay by
Gore Vidal....
Open Thread
[image: image of a purple sofa]
Hosted by a purple sofa. Have a seat and chat.
[*Note:* Liss is currently on hiatus for health reasons. There will be an
apologies for my absence
skippy, his co-bloggers and his followers are among my favorite people in
the world. real life has been challenging for me these last few years but i
got m...
More often than not
This should be the last post here on my own hand-coded pages, and I'll be
delighted to wave good-bye to Echo comments. So, it's off to Blogger, with
a slig...
Milestones of the plague year
I would be remiss if I allowed another month to go by without mentioning
one of life's milestones here in Stately Dog Manor, specifically, the
college grad...
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