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Corvallis, OR, United States
My personal obsession with prion diseases with smidges of music I like and rescue dog advocacy from a disabled Oregonian.


BioTerrorism and America's Love Affair With Their Pets

Lets just suppose....that you piss off your asshole neighbor because your dog barks when you leave him at home and gets in your neighbor's garbage once in awhile. Neighbor is a revengeful prick but smart enough not to punch you in the face or throw a rock in your lovely new bay window because he knows he can caught. He is a prick but also clever enough to know that such actions could cost him plenty in legal fees and maybe some jail time. So, he decides to plant a rotten fish in his garbage can and dusts it with some rat poison for good measure just waiting for beloved, cuddly Fido to come rummaging through while he goes out for his midnite pee.

Now apply that logic on a grand scale....America's imperialism is getting on your nerves. You may feel a bit threatened, maybe a bit cocky, maybe you are just an asshole and you want to "teach America's Imperialistic power" a lesson of humility. Following me here? What would you do. Fuck with their food in a back handed...but oh so innocent way. Woops.. we didn't know how that shit got into your food supply...and Oh Crap! we didn't know that this cheap dog food filler was going to fuck up Fido, and silly us..we didn't realize you were going to use that stuff in animal feed. It wasn't a direct hit. That would start a's not a gut punch...just a sly little mix up.......

I'm just sayin'.... it's not beyond humans to fuck each other up like that....

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