Can you spot the dog? [/giggle]
If I was a horse they would have shot me years ago. I have been miserable with migraine pain for the last 5 days. Due to the fact that my pharmacist loaned me two migraine pills last month, I was shorted 2 pills this month to avoid extra out of pocket expenses. That left me 4 pills for the month and no room for error. Of course today my head and shoulders are screaming in pain and I am out of meds, I can't drive or get anything worthwhile done. I can barely type and read effectively so pardon the errors but here goes another incomprehensible blog post from me while I bite my tongue in pain and swear at Presdient Bush's Medicare drug plan. The bottom line is I really need to get to a doc and see if I can get 9 pills a month to control migraines insteead of just 6. The last two months have been hell and I am seriously behind on blogging about mad cow updates. For that I apologize but I am doing the best that I can. I would be in better shape if I had access to medical marijuana too but I do not have a care giver (aka grower) at this time. I have a promisisng lead on a caregiver that is willing to grow for me and that is one of my goals for the week. I really wish we had state run dispensaries where I wouldn't have to do without since I can't grow myself. That is one of the weaknesses of Oregon's medical marijuana program. In other medical marijuana news, I see here in the New York Times that Connecticut might be the 13th state that might allow the use of medical marijuana. With increased scrutiny of the Food and Drug Administration's track record for approving safe medicine, I support the use of medical cannabis as a safer way to treat pain than anything prescribed by traditional Western medicine doctors. The article contains some extraordinary quotes from drug opponents that dramatically changed their mind after seeing loved ones suffer in pain. NYT Link
The House voted in favor of the bill, 89 to 58, on May 23. State Representative Marie Lopez Kirkley-Bey, a Democrat from Hartford who is deputy speaker, said she had been “vehemently opposed” to the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes and voted against such bills in the past because she feared a negative impact on children.
But she changed her mind when two of her cousins died of cancer last year.
Representative Penny Bacchiochi, a Republican from Somers, said prescription drugs did not alleviate the pain of her husband, who died after having bone cancer in the late 1980s. On the recommendation of his doctor, she bought marijuana for him.“I remembered how much fear I had,” she said, “but you do anything for someone you love.”
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