Song in my Head: Don't want to be your monkey wrench, one more indecent accident, I'd rather leave than suffer this, I'll never be your monkey wrench......Foo Fighters
In Season: pumpkin patches, exploding cellphones, hungry Oregonians
Alter-Abled News
In a finding that backs up motherly advice to get a good night's sleep, scientists have found that peaceful slumber apparently restores memories that were lost during a hectic day
Sleep deprivation has profound effects, I'm sure. I feel as exhausted as a new mother, without the bundle of joy. Besides nail-patella syndrome, I have myofacial pain syndrome/fibromyalgia which affects my sleep. I dream too much, in other words have long periods of REM sleep. My dreams are epic, involved, and exhausting. From The American Psychoanalytic Association's Current Ideas about REM Sleep, Dreams, and Dreaming
What is REM sleep?
In 1953 neuroscientists discovered a physiological state which occurs periodically during sleep (every 90 minutes). There is a heightened brain activation during this time including a burst of rapid eye movement (REM), increased breathing and heart rate, genital engorgement, and paralysis of bodily movement (the person is highly aroused yet fast asleep).
From The Corvallis-Gazette-Times:
$5 million grant will bring about a national-first research center
Oregon State University will use a $5 million grant from the National Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research to create the nation's first research center focused on making transportation more accessible.
Jack Smith Brief Released (Mostly in Full, Names Redacted)!
Link to PDF Not all that redacted, except for names. So far, it seems like
the whole story could be there, minus names. h/t everyone i the previous
3 months ago
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