My photo
Corvallis, OR, United States
My personal obsession with prion diseases with smidges of music I like and rescue dog advocacy from a disabled Oregonian.


Song in my Head: Make these donuts with extra grease. This batch is for the chief of police........Joe Pop o'Pie

In Season: Hunter's moon, Oregon Fall beach clean-up day, delicata squash

Alter-Abled News

From the Oregonian:

An Oregon couple send requests for medicines to Canada where orders are filled with low-cost drugs and returned

I should check this out. My prescription for Vioxx hasn't been filled for months...can't afford it, and my Phosomax....and................

Isn't it ironic that Tommy Chong goes to jail for nine months today, while Rush "Get out of jail free" Limbaugh fesses up to a serious, illegal drug addiction and won't have to go? Fucked up or what? Basically, he has been stoned on his pills for years and got hooked. What gets me is his freaking hypocritical tirades and morality lessons condemn such actions. I have yet to try an oxycontin and use exercise, hot tubs, and herbs for pain, with an occasional vicaden to take the edge off.

But, it could happen that I might need a stronger pain pill. With dislocated elbows, shoulders, knees, pelvis, lower back, and hips; I don't want to suffer. So, being the conscientious, scientifically curious humanoid that I am, I shall peruse the internet on the Side Effects of Oxycontin, and see if Rush might suffer from some. Be back soon.........


• Other, less serious side effects may be more likely to occur. Continue to take oxycodone and talk to your doctor if you experience
· constipation;
· dry mouth, nausea
, vomiting, or decreased appetite;
· dizziness, tiredness, or lightheadedness;
· muscle twitches;
· sweating;
· itching;
· decreased urination; or
· decreased sex drive.

• Do not stop taking oxycodone suddenly if you have been taking it continuously for more than 5 to 7 days. Stopping suddenly could cause withdrawal symptoms and make you uncomfortable. Your doctor may want to gradually reduce the dose.

See...scientific proof Rush is full o'shit and even makes himself nauseous.

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