Song in my Head: Like Ma Bell, I got the ill communication .......Beastie Boys
In Season:Fuji apples
Man to serve two years for groping
A man who groped two women while passing by them on his bike this summer got the maximum sentence Monday on two charges of misdemeanor sexual abuse. (link)
Can we lock Arnie up for the next two years?
Alter-Abled News
Supreme Court Rejects Bush Administration Attempt To Gut Medical Marijuana Laws
In an historic victory for medical marijuana patients and doctors, the U.S. Supreme Court today declined to hear Conant v. Walters, letting stand an appellate court ruling barring the federal government from punishing physicians who recommend medical marijuana to patients.(link)
Sperm From Marijuana Smokers Move Too Fast Too Early, Impairing Fertility
Men who smoke marijuana frequently have significantly less seminal fluid, a lower total sperm count and their sperm behave abnormally, all of which may affect fertility adversely, a new study in reproductive physiology at the University at Buffalo has shown.(link)
Jack Smith Brief Released (Mostly in Full, Names Redacted)!
Link to PDF Not all that redacted, except for names. So far, it seems like
the whole story could be there, minus names. h/t everyone i the previous
5 months ago
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