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Corvallis, OR, United States
My personal obsession with prion diseases with smidges of music I like and rescue dog advocacy from a disabled Oregonian.


Song in my head:
What goes up, must come down.....David Clayton

In the solitude of my home I have been watching bits and pieces of the democratic convention on Oregon Public Broadcasting. The reception on my old tv is poor, so, I mostly listen. Cable tv isn't accessible here and satellite costs money, and I refuse to pay for tv.

Osama's speech captured my short attention span and literally transfixed me with hope within a few minutes. I actually got a little choked up and his words brought tears to my eyes. His style, although preacher like, was realistic, clear, and unifying.

When he acknowledged that taxpayers fund our legislature's health care coverage, and we must include all Americans in that basic right, he hit home for me. For that has been my dilemna my whole working career; managing a disability while working full time to provide myself with health care coverage.

For those that were recharged with Obama's message, the poignant point of being your brother's keeper reminded me of my dependence on society. If a society can be judged by how it takes care of its young, elderly, and alter-abled; we can do better. Access to affordable health care and having enough food to eat is not easy on an alter-abled income.

Teresa Heinz-Kerry gave a piece of her mind, which, in my book, is admirable. Although, I really got the feeling she wants to be clear of the pronunciation of her name. It's Te ray sa...not Te ree sa.


So, I have been trying to make sense of my new health care coverage through Medicare. The benefits are mediocre. Let me explain. There is a $100 deductible. Medicare will pay 80% for doctor visits and hospital stays. There is no dental, or vision coverage, unless it is medically necessary. Glaucoma meets that criteria, which I have. Since Medicare only pays 80%, many people buy supplemental Medicare insurance also called a Medigap policy. The official 2004 Medicare and You handbook states, "A medigap policy is a health insurance policy sold by private insurance companies to fill "gaps" in Original Medicare coverage." The choices vary state to state but I found one for my region that costs $65 a month, but reduces my doctor visits from 80% to a $15 co-pay. i still need to find a drug discount card. As you can see Medicare has its limitations.

Medicare card: Choose wisely

Group can help seniors make right decision on drug discount
Can we make it any more complicated? By now, many of you have heard about the new Medicare-approved drug discount cards, and possibly are already frustrated by the complexity of the process to select a card.

The Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA) volunteers commiserate with you, and wish to offer you a few helpful tips.Anyone who is eligible for Medicare and does not have Medicaid drug coverage can buy a Medicare discount card. The decision to buy a Medicare discount card must be preceded by research to determine if it is worth the cost for you (up to $30 a year). In some cases, existing drug discount cards may offer deeper discounts than a Medicare-approved card.You purchase the appropriate sponsor's card based on the pharmacy you wish to do business with and the price of your medications. Most cards are good at most pharmacies.Unfortunately, the price of prescription medications can (and often do) change on a weekly basis, further complicating the myriad of choices. Link

U.S. mad cow testing criticized

The brown-and-white spotted calves appear happy and healthy as they amble through the tall grass of a northeastern Kansas field, never straying far from their mothers.
But back at the barn -- and in countless barns, feedlots, slaughterhouses and packing plants around the United States -- the health of cattle like these has become a hot-button issue.
Calls for widespread testing of the nation's beef supply have stretched from Tokyo to Arkansas City, Kansas, after the United States detected its first-ever case of "mad cow disease" in December.

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