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Corvallis, OR, United States
My personal obsession with prion diseases with smidges of music I like and rescue dog advocacy from a disabled Oregonian.


ong in my head: Our house is a very very very fine house.......Graham Nash

There are lots of songs out there to link to this weekend. I had a tough time linking to just one so a big thanks to all the bloggers out there and their love of music interwoven into their writings. For me the past few days have been a struggle.

My doctor increased the dosage of my amitryptylene and it has resulted in severely blurred vision. Since I only have one good eye having it blurry scared me as I thought my glaucoma was progressing and I was going blind. I backed off on the dose and I'm starting to see clearer now. Since I am an avid reader losing me eyesight depressed the hell out of me...If you have two good eyes, can walk 5 minutes or 5 miles with relative discomfort, or don't get woken up at night from joint pain you have a hell of a lot to be grateful for in my book.

I'm singing the alter-abled blues. And if you have
$14 dollars in the bank...$1500 in unpaid a married woman, have Georgia on your mind or the post-Katrina are not alone this long weekend. Portland Oregon is home of the largest blues festival west of the Mississippi and its being streamed on this KBOO link. I'm listening to it on the radio as I can't handle crowds or expending too much energy. The theme this year is New Orleans and I highly recommend a listen.

The Alter-Abled Blues

Can't walk too far
my eyes see spots
theres too much pain
and its too frigging hot

My glass is half empty
all I see is a cup.
My boyfriend done left me
Said I'm all messed up.

It's one giant freak show
the ole USA
but I'm staying to fight
in my own little way.

~ann~ 7/2/06

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